Review Article
Urban Transp Constr
doi: 10.18686/utc.v10i3.236
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Review Article
Zhu Yue
Urban Transp Constr
doi: 10.18686/utc.v10i3.237
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Review Article
Feng Li
Urban Transp Constr
doi: 10.18686/utc.v10i3.238
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Review Article
Xueyuan Bai, Dejia Wu, Xuehan Bai, Lin Li*
Urban Transp Constr
doi: 10.18686/utc.v10i3.239
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Review Article
Li Zhaoqi*
Urban Transp Constr
doi: 10.18686/utc.v10i3.240
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Urban Transportation & Construction is a fully peer-reviewed international open-access journal, which contains research papers, review articles and case studies associated with various forms of public transportation, urban architecture, urban planning and related policy issues. The journal aims at establishing a bridge between theory and practice in the related fields, and promote rapid communication and exchange among scholars, architects, engineers and administrators.
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Journal Notice: Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Urban Transportation & Construction |
Urban products that regenerate small portions of areas dedicated to the meeting, platforms for social sharing and eco-sustainability. Smart systems for conducting outdoor community practices, maintaining and developing environmental, social and economic qualities. The Lead Guest Editor Francesco Armato |
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Journal Notice: Planning Support Systems in urban transportation is usefulness to foster future spatial planning to build smart cities |
Urban transportation has evolved over time around the world, especially in the advent of urbanization in cities. As the movement of people contributes towards the efficiency and sustainability of cities we look at how Planning Support Systems (PSS) can assist in fostering future spatial planning in developing countries. As a focus, we look specifically on how the location of smart multi modal transport can form part of building and unlocking the potential of smart cities to incorporate bus transit, rail transportation as well as none motorised transport. It is therefore the purpose of this special issue to focus on PSS in urban transportation and its usefulness to foster future spatial planning to build smart cities. The Lead Guest Editor Baleseng Tlholohelo Mokoena |
Posted: 2019-04-01 | More... |
Journal Notice: Call for papers for the Special issue: Urban Transportation and Construction |
In the context of the growing number of inhabitants within the city's structures the settlements are changing. We accept the changes, destroy squares and city centers, we push the greenery and trees further away from us on the periphery. In the chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Small change in one state can result in large differences in a later state. The Lead Guest Editor Zuzana Poorova |
Posted: 2019-05-25 | More... |
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