Vertical farms in the context of sustainable development
The article analyzes some of the fundamental aspects of sustainable development of cities, connected in many respects with the concept of ecological architecture. One of the main concepts of sustainability is considered in detail: the city as an eco-sustainable and balanced system, objects of architecture as a full-fledged part of this system, which, most likely, will be determined by one of the directions of this development - the development of landscape architecture as an instrument of integration of nature into the urban environment. At the same time, the variety of its functional forms and architectural methods in the system of organization of internal and external space is outlined, as well as its interrelation with energy-saving architecture, which defines them as the two most important components of eco-sustainable development. Forms of development of landscape architecture are considered in the review of analogs, as an example (an object of agricultural urbanism) a thesis on the topic of "The Vertical Farm Agroindustrial Complex" is presented.
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