Solar support for natural ventilation
One of the most type of buildings ventilation is a natural ventilation, also called as gravitational ventilation. The driving force for natural ventilation comes from the difference in air density. Cold air flows into the rooms through leaks in the windows and walls of the building or through diffusers installed in the windows and walls. Gravitational ventilation systems are the optimal solution because its use only the forces of nature. Unfortunately, it can not always be used. When significant level of air exchange in the room is required, the possibilities of classical air exchange are exceeded (especially in summer). This is a reason, why air flow need forced exchange comes from fan. In summer, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air and as well as a difference in density of air columns, does not provide adequate air flow, and can produce an inverse flow in chimney. Systems supporting an air flow by used wind energy does not solve the problem, because it works in the time of maximum ambient temperature (cause of the sun) while the lack of air movement is very often.
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