
Practical Analysis of the Construction of the Civics of the Course "New Energy Vehicle Technology

Qingyu Zhang


Promoting the construction of the course of thinking politics has become the main direction of the reform of the course of New Energy Vehicle Technology, and the integration of thinking politics elements also plays a role in increasing the value of the course. The article introduces the analysis of the ideas of the construction of new energy vehicle technology course of thinking and politics, mainly from the perspective of mechanism construction, teaching team construction, enriching teaching design, perfecting evaluation system and other practical paths to promote the construction of new energy vehicle technology course of thinking and politics.


New Energy Vehicle Technology; Curriculum Thinking; Teaching Design

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Xiang J, Bai YJ, Du XB. Teaching reform of new energy vehicle technology course under the perspective of curriculum thinking and government [J]. Automotive Practical Technology, 2023, 48(2):180-183.

Liu QF. Exploration and practice of the construction of new energy vehicle technology course [J]. Special Purpose Vehicles,2022(11):111-113.



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